Winter Walk Challenge
By participating in the Winter Walker Challenge, you will be able to enjoy a variety of physical activities while increasing your overall fitness level. These activities include walking around the track, doing laps in the pool, engaging in strength and cardio training, playing team sports such as basketball or soccer, and more! In addition to these physical activities, you will also have access to nutritious snacks and meals prepared by our nutritionists. The atmosphere is friendly and inviting so all are welcome regardless of their current level of fitness or ability.
Community Wealth Building Program
The Resilient Resident Lindsay Heights Civic Engagement Compensation Program. The Resilient Resident LHCEC program is an innovative way for Lindsay Heights residents to gain recognition and financial compensation for their challenging work and dedicated effort. This program was developed to give community members who may be retired, in transition between jobs or not have access to traditional employment a more equitable way to earn income and sustain civic engagement.
Marquette University / Walnut Way - Presidents Challenge
Project goals are to evaluate new telehealth interventions in African American community in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin related to remote monitoring of chronic health conditions, such as diabetes and asthma, which have rapidly emerged as major factors of co-morbidity and premature mortality in African American population. Contact:
Business Improvement District 32
Marketplace Business Improvement District (BID) 32 was developed to create a viable and sustainable commercial corridor that supports local entrepreneurs, engages current business owners, The BID’s boundaries are North Avenue from 8th to 27th Streets and Fond du Lac Avenue from 17th to 27th Streets. Contact:
BID 32 Streetscape Committee
BID 32 Streetscape Committee: Traffic, Safety. Beautification, Business Improvements and updates contact: John Hansen -
BIG Clean - Neighborhood Clean-up
Arlisia McHenry
Community Outreach Liaison | 414.286.2206
Commerical Corridor Workgroup
To foster development of sustainable and vibrant commercial corridors with a focus on North Avenue and Fond Du Lac Avenue between I-43 and 27th Street that is aligned with the goals of the Lindsay Heights Quality of Life Plan. Contact: