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Who We Are

Milwaukee College Prep is a four-campus network of K4-8 schools that is committed to celebrating the gifts of our 2,000 scholars and eliminating the opportunity gap so that all children gain the knowledge and character to determine their own destinies.

Mission: Knowledge plus character pave the road to college and beyond.

Celebrating its 24th anniversary, Milwaukee College Prep is a leading network of four K4-8th grade public charter schools that every child in Milwaukee is eligible to attend free of charge. A school where “knowledge plus character pave the road to college and beyond,” Milwaukee College Prep is absolutely determined to provide equal parts academic rigor and character development so that our scholars have the foundation necessary to determine their own destinies. Milwaukee College Prep opened as a rigorous K4-4th grade school in a city that sorely needed high performing schools. Today, responding to the continued urgent need for uncompromising schools, we have grown to a four-campus network with schools deliberately situated in Milwaukee’s most underserved neighborhoods, educating 2,000 children. We have managed our growth without diluting our effectiveness. In fact, we have seen the reverse, cementing our belief that a rising tide lifts all boats.

Admission at Milwaukee College Prep is based on a blind lottery regardless of prior academic record, conduct, or socioeconomic background. Milwaukee College Prep scholars represent the huge potential of thousands of Milwaukee children just like them. Every day, our scholars prove that Milwaukee need not be home to one of the nation’s largest race-based opportunity gaps.

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